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Radnor Primary School

School Dinners

How do I pay dinner money?

Universal free school meals has now rolled out for all children in Reception to Year 5.

For Year 6 pupils, school dinners currently cost £2.85 per day and are paid for via ParentPay.  You will receive login codes when your child starts school.  Please order your child's dinner the day before whenever possible and this includes children who are entitled to free school meals.  If your child is entitled to free school meals and you are unsure how to access the ParentPay system, please contact the office for more details.

Parent Pay

Does my child have to have a school meal every day?

No, you may choose to have a school meal as often as you like.  All we ask is that you order your child's dinner the day before

What will my child be eating?

Please find the school dinner menu link below: