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Radnor Primary School

Dosbarth 8

Welcome to Mrs Obadaki's Year 5/6 class

Croeso i Ddosbarth 8.

Our class is a happy and busy place. We are always working on a range of activities, inside and out! Please remember that if you need to speak to me about anything, then please get in touch or speak to me at the end of the day.



P.E. Days.

For Summer Term: 

Outdoor - Monday

Indoor - Thursday

Please bring your PE kit to school on these days. 

Snack/Water Bottle

Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to school each day.  Water bottles are kept in the classroom but should be brought home each day to be washed and refilled with fresh water.


All homework tasks can be found on Google Classroom.  Please see our learning journey for more information.

Book Bag

All book bags should be brought to school daily. The children are expected to complete their spelling logs once a week, recording any of their spelling mistakes from their classwork. Please can you help your child to learn their words.

Times Tables

Please can you help your child to learn their times table facts as they need to have quick recall to use in their work.