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Radnor Primary School

Change to Isolation Guidance

Please be aware of the important changes to isolation guidance that affect our whole school community with immediate effect. 

The guidance around self-isolation is changing. Adults who are fully vaccinated and children and young people aged five to 17 will be asked to self-isolate until they have received a negative PCR test if someone in their household has symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19.

People who are not vaccinated will still have to self-isolate for 10 days following contact with someone who has tested positive, including close contacts outside of their household.

This means that -

  • You must not send your child to school if someone in your household tests positive for Covid -19 
  • You need to arrange a PCR test for your child as soon as possible
  • If the test is negative, your child can return to school.  If it is positive, they must self-isolate  for 10 days
  • Please keep us informed of the outcome in school

If you are unsure then please contact school.