Radnor Primary School
Governing Body Role
The Governing Body is responsible for the conduct of the school within the broad framework of the Local Authority’s policies. The Governing Body has an important role to play in providing the forum for the discussion of issues concerning the school, which come from within the school, from the Schools’ Service or the Welsh Government. The internal management of the school however, is the responsibility of the Headteacher. The Governing Body also has a significant part to play in developing, with the Headteacher and staff, the aims and objectives of the school and its community, and to generally support and question the school’s endeavours.
The Governing Body meets twice a term. In addition, sub-committees meet regularly to discuss specific issues and they report to the full Governing Body for formal ratification of proposals and to provide information. The minutes of Governing Body meetings are available from the Headteacher, on request. Governors are required by law to publish an Annual Report to Parents and to offer an Annual General Meeting. Copies of the most recent report are available on request.