Radnor Primary School
Parent Governor Information
The Parent Governors at Radnor provide a parent viewpoint on the strategic management of the school, as we also have children at Radnor.
You can contact us in the following ways:
- By letter – just address it to ‘Parent Governors’ and hand it in to the school office, providing your contact details so we can get back in touch.
- In person, grab us anytime on the playground.
- By telephone or email. Please contact the school office and they will forward your message to us.
We won’t always know the answer straight away, but we will be able to listen and advise you on how to get one. Sometimes this might mean that we take a question away and find an answer for you, and sometimes we may advise that you need to speak to the teachers or Mrs James.
Issues raised to governors through parent surgeries/correspondence include:
- Changing the title of ‘parent meetings’ to ‘parent-teacher meetings’ to reflect both parties. This has been taken on board by the school and all future meetings will be called ‘parent-teacher meetings’;
- Making it easier for parents to understand all the acronyms and terms that are used in correspondence. We have relayed this message and now provide a term/acronym explanation below for future reference.
Terms/Acronym Help
Help to understand frequently used terms and acronyms:
ALN Additional Learning Needs
EAL English as an Additional Language
EWO Education Welfare Officer
FSM Free School Meals
INSET In-Service Education and Training for staff
KS2 Key Stage 2 - Years 3-6
LLC Language, Literacy and Communication
LNF Literacy and Numeracy Framework
MAT More Able and Talented
PPA Preparation, Planning and Assessment time – each teacher is give
10% of their time outside of the class room to plan and assess children’s work.
SER Self Evaluation Report
SIP School Improvement Plan
WG Welsh Government